It Starts With Our Beautiful 100-Year Old Apple Trees …

Heritage starts with our century-old apple trees – one of the largest remaining plots of these beauties in Quebec. Production is limited to the juice produced entirely by the 800-odd trees on our property. We use no juice from other sources. Grown on steep slopes, the roots go deep into the rocky soil, resulting in a more complex, sweet juice. Little, to no, pesticides are used.

… On A Property With A Colourful History …

Situated a stone’s throw from the Vermont border, the house – built in 1859 – was long recognized by its unique tower. During Prohibition, bootleggers used a blinking light in the tower to signal the coast was clear … to move liquor south over that border! Earlier, slaves escaping north along the Underground Railroad recognized the tower as a signal of the first fully free stop on their long journey to safety. We see the proud heritage of the property as being on the right side of history twice: booze running south and escaping slaves coming north!

Apples grow like berries, pollinated by a mix of wild and domestic pollinators. All three varieties – a blend of Mac, Cortland and Lobo – have high sugar content and smaller size (we don’t ‘thin’ the apples for consumer presentation).

… And ends with oak!

All our ciders are barrel aged in oak seasoned with the renowned aperitive cider ‘’1859’’apple brandy 1859, itself made with ice ciders that is the heritage of Domaine Pinnacle (the previous owners). Our headline ‘Terroir’ product matches the ratio of apple varieties on the property – a mix of Cortland, Lobo and McIntosh Macintosh – that combine to produce a complex, minerally cider with overtones of caramel. Others ciders are single or blends, each with a unique flavour.


Our most complex cider, combining all three varieties of apples. A rich, minerally flavour with notes of nuts, caramel and flowers.

Abbot’s Corner

A blend that balances the sharper, lemony background of Cortland with the rounded caramel of Mac.

Grande Mac

Grande Mac: an easy-drinking, straightforward cider that captures the richness of Mac.


…with a brand new family …

Quebec clean energy superstar Sandrine Tremblay met Ontarian climate activist and investor Tom Rand on a VIA train. Not much later came our son Henri. So … Tom moved to Quebec. This farm and cider project is a heritage for Henri and his sister Nellie – it’s where two climate hawks do the best they can to prepare our kids for a resilient, sustainable future. And that starts with a positive, creative relationship to that which sustains us all – nature.

Our common heritage

We are committed here, as we have been throughout our careers, to help create and accelerate a low-carbon, sustainable future.

The heritage we all share – past, present and future peoples – is the world we inhabit and inherit: civic and social institutions operating within a stable ecosystem. That is now all under threat.

There’s no more important work any of us can do than to turn down the heat. Perhaps as we get our hands more ‘dirty’ we can learn more about regenerative agriculture, modern forestry practices, soil carbon. Stay tuned.


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